Saturday, May 4, 2019
Bridlewood Room, Deerfoot Inn & Casino
1000, 11500 – 35 St. SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 3W4
In attendance: Chair Ron Koper, Vice-Chairs Gary Care & Faruq Suleman, President Dale Erickson, Vice-President Chris Gilmour, Secretary Don Falk, Treasurer Myra Penberthy, Executive Director Kath Rhyason, Glenn McClure, Samir Jalloul, Mohamed Salih, Abdal Houmsi, Osama Merhi, Paul Wozny, Robert Kossick, Shazin Mohamed-Standing, Felix Amenghawon, Ken McNeill, Cole Jordan, Teresa DiNinno, Janine Bide, John Picard, Natalya Nicholson, Margo Purcell, Christine Jackson, Ashley Jensen, Kurtis Leinweber, Sumara Diaz, Meredith Poole, Ed Wittchen, Dan Hanson, Lynne Paradis, Boris Vidal, Joe Frank
- CALL TO ORDER: 12:30 p.m.
1.1 Consideration of Agenda – Remove Items 2.6 and 4.3
Motion to approve the SGM agenda as amended. Gary Care, Janine Bide. CARRIED.
1.3 #19/05/04-2ASGM
Motion to Approve AGM Minutes as Circulated. Mohamed Salih, Shazin Mohamed-Standing.
1.4 CAA School Spotlight/Research Report – Dale Erickson gave an overview of CAA, as well as
a presentation of their recent research into “what it is like to experience literacy in a theatrical
space” in conjunction with the Werklund School of Education.
2.1 Board Chair’s Update – Chair Koper is encouraged by the collaboration and taking of initiative
by members on ‘key items of risk and opportunity’, and is grateful to Kath for her work with
2.2 Directors’ Committee Report – A meeting was held on Feb. 26 to identify key issues for
respective Boards. Pleased to see strong focus on immediate issues; we must work to stay
relevant and achieve as much success as a group as we do as individual schools.
2.3 Officers’ and EAC Report – This has been a year of change, challenge and opportunity. We
need to focus on improved communication, speaking with one voice and engaging all
stakeholders by being committed and engaged and promoting the cause of TAAPCS.
2.4 Financial Report – Myra went over our Operating Statement and Statement of Financial
Position. Interim financial information is available at all EAC meetings.
2.5 Correspondence – List circulated with meeting agenda.
2.6 Committee Reports
2.6.1 School Leadership Learning Initiative – This initiative was not activated this year as it is
a conference year.
2.6.2 Awards and Recognition Report – This committee has met twice in the past 12 months.
Reminder that award nominations must be in by June 30.
2.6.3 Board Professional Learning Report – Ron proposed that PD follow the previous format:
Board–sponsored fall and winter sessions in both north and south in which other area
Directors are invited to participate. Please convey ideas to Robert Kossick or Margo
Purcell by May 15.
2.6.4 Communications Report – Main aspects are external and internal communications, and
speaking with one voice. Schools focused on pre-election activities; it is important now to
follow up and build relationships. Although our consultant proposal did not fly, it nevertheless resulted in a renewed emphasis on the need for public awareness and being heard. We have reached out to the media, responded to news articles and questions and built some good relationship. The next step is to complete the Google Suites platform and improve the website
2.6.5 Conference Report – Theme will be “Champions by Design” for this upcoming
opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and engage in professional dialogue. An
exciting event (live band, art project, guest speaker) is being planned for the Thursday
night for local attendees and those from out of town who will be arriving on Thursday.
Friday morning will offer 3 or 4 sessions from which participants will choose two, and
breakout sessions in the afternoon. The cost will be offset by conference reserves at
$25 per person. Please get your numbers to Dale asap so arrangements can be firmed up.
2.6.6 Research Support and Promotion – The Research Support and Promotion Committee has
2 new members in Dr. Eugene Kowch, U of C, and Dr. Belina Caissie, AB Education.
TAAPCS involvement is designed to build our research capacity, support and
dissemination to better inform policy and practice. Member research projects will be
showcased at the October conference.
- NEW BUSINESS (& discussion)4.1/2 Presentation of Budget 2019-2020 Kath Rhyason/Myra Penberthy
Motion to Approve Budget 2019-2020 as presented. Dan Hanson, Mohamed Salih. CARRIED.
Note: The budget presented in October will be somewhat revised and require a second motion.
4.3 TAAPCS Presentation to Government – Two committees (Regulatory Revisions and Funding Equity) will meet to develop messages for government; time is of the essence. Kath will send out a notice of Special Meeting which will involve a conference call May 27 to finalize the messages and an electronic vote May 31. Committee members: Regulatory – Don Falk, Joe Frank, Ken McNeill, Boris Vidal, Andrew Chu; Funding: Gary Care, Teresa DiNinno, Felix Amenghawon, Roger Nippard, Dale Erickson, Cole Jordan, Dan Hanson.
- Thanks to Calistus Oragudosi at Aurora for his help with Google Suites.
- CAPE invites you to join their open house for their new facility on June 12.
- CGS has rebranded with a new website/logo/tagline, as well as a digital bill board and bus advertising. Special thanks to Director Caroline Classen.
- CAA invites all to “It’s All About CAKE!” (Community Arts Kids Education) on May 22, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
- Thanks were expressed to Myra Penberthy for her outstanding work as Treasurer.
- Congratulations to Dianne McBeth on her 4th retirement, and welcome to Acting Superintendent John Picard.
- Thanks to CGS Director Geordie MacPherson for his 8 years on the CGS Board and his immense contributions to TAAPCS.
- We will miss departing Superintendents Glenn McClure and Don Falk who lent considerable time and expertise to our association.
- Meredith Poole was thanked for her 15 years of service to TAAPCS.
- ADJOURNMENT: 2:33 p.m.
Important Dates
- TAAPCS EAC Meetings: June 14, 2019 (Conference Call)
- TAAPCS Biennial Conference: Oct. 24/25, 2019
- TAAPCS Annual General Meeting: Oct. 25/26, 2019