Contact Us

For further information, inquires or suggestions, please contact the Executive Director at 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Charter School?

A charter school is a public school that is independently run and funded by the government. It receives greater flexibility over operations in exchange for increased performance accountability. The school is established by a “charter,” which is a performance contract describing key elements of the school. The charter contract describes things like the school’s mission, instructional program, governance, personnel, finance, plans for student enrollment, and how all these are measured.To get more in depth understanding watch  the video

Our Association

The Alberta Association of Public Charter Schools (TAAPCS) is an association comprised of Alberta Education approved charter schools that choose to be members and support TAAPCS objectives. The Association is governed by a Board of Governors.

How can I find a charter school near me?

Check the Our Members page under Governance to find all charter schools in Alberta.Thereafter you can use Google Map to find its proximity within the area or city you are residing.

How are charter schools funded?

Charter schools are funded by the provincial government of Alberta . Funding is based upon the number of students that enroll in each school. The level of funding for public schools is determined by the provincial budget.

Who can attend a Charter School?

Charter schools cannot discriminate in their admission policies and as such are bound by the provincial regulations, as are all public schools.  Most charter schools in Alberta have a waitlist program that they address on an individual basis.

Are all charter schools the same?

Charter schools are very diverse in their approaches to schooling. A charter is a mechanism that allows a public school to pursue a mission or approach to teaching and learning put forward by the people who applied for the charter. Charter schools are public schools that operate with more freedom than traditional schools have to determine their instruction/curriculum, length of days/school year, and autonomy from state and local rules regarding budget management and staffing.

How do I navigate the website?

Information about site navigation

  • To get up-to-date news, go to the Blog menu of the site
  • For information about upcoming events, check the calendar
  • To see videos, click on the video through the Governance sub menu or the flip board on the main page
  • If you are member of the board and looking for professional development, you have to log in first and it will be under Governance
  • If you want to post a job, you should log in and under job you will sub menu called PostJob
  • If you want to search for a job, Look under the Employment menu called Job Search

General information/Support

For general information, you should use the form above or send email at

For technical issues, send an email to